Prof. Luca Bertolini Memorial Award 2019
(1966 – 2017)
The Italian section of the American Concrete Institute (American Concrete Institute Italy Chapter) organizes the “Memorial Award of Prof. Luca Bertolini”.
Born in Sondrio (Italy) in 1966, after graduating in Industrial Technology Engineering in 1990, Luca Bertolini got the PhD in Electrochemical Engineering in 1995 under the supervision of Prof. Pietro Pedeferri and Prof. Tommaso Pastore. His theses was focused on the durability of reinforced concrete structures, and in particular the PhD thesis was on “Control of rebar corrosion in concrete by means of current circulation: electrochemical aspects”.
He became assistant professor in 1995, associate professor in 1998 and full professor in 2005 in Materials Science and Technology at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “G. Natta”. The teaching activity was mostly devoted to materials science and technology and structures durability for Civil and Building Engineering and was carried out both in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and in the School of Architectural Engineering of Politecnico di Milano. He also taught in technology transfer courses, specializing masters and permanent education to professionals. His didactic activity led to the publication of two volumes on “Construction materials” (in Italian), which followed a former series of publications in cooperation with other colleagues of the Department. He supervised the theses of many MS students and PhD students.
Professor Luca Bertolini, who died prematurely in 2017, dedicated his activity passionately in science and materials technology and durability of Construction materials, achieving results of national and international importance, in particular, in the research field of traditional and innovative cementitious materials stainless steel reinforcement, electrochemical techniques, preservation of cultural heritage, durability design, monitoring and repair of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. His scientific activity is demonstrated by the numerous scientific projects, which resulted in a large number of publications (more than 300 papers). Among scientific books, he co-authored “Corrosion of steel in concrete” together with Pietro Pedeferri et al. He was member of RILEM, American Concrete Institute and World Road Association and he participated to several technical committees. Professor Luca Bertolini founded and directed the Cementitious Materials and Durability group (mCD) of the Politecnico di Milano.
Further information about reported in this document (in Italian).
Please, click on the follow links in order to download the CALL (in Italian) and tge BYLAWS (in Italian).

Outcome of the evaluation procedure
The American Concrete Institute Italy Chapter, the Organizing Committee and the Award Jury are pleased to announce that Eng. Elisa Franzoni won the first edition of Prof. Luca Bertolini Memorial Award 2019 with the following scientific publication:
E. Franzoni, A. Leemann, M. Griffa, P. Lura, The ‘‘Terranova’’ render of the Engineering Faculty in Bologna (1931–1935): reasons for an outstanding durability, Materials and Structures (2017) 50:221.
The award ceremony will take place during the “The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete 2019”, workshop organized by ACI Italy Chapter at the Politecnico di Milano (19-20 September 2019) during the afternoon session of 20 September 2019; on this occasion the winner ing. Elisa Franzoni will present the results of her scientific work.
The ACI Italy Chapter, the Organizing Committee and the Jury of the Prize intend, moreover, to assign a mention of merit to the Eng. Alessandra Mobili for the validity also of the following scientific publication:
F. Tittarelli, A. Mobili, C. Giosuè, A. Belli, T. Bellezze, Corrosion behaviour of bare and galvanized steel in geopolymer and Ordinary Portland Cement based mortars with the same strength class exposed to chlorides, Corrosion Science 134, 2018, 64–77.
Click here to download the official comunication.