board of
Massimiliano Pescosolido
General Secretary – Atecap
Contact information:
Address: Via Paolo Emilio, 32 – 00192 Roma (RM)
Phone: +390642016103
email: massimiliano.pescosolido@atecap.it
In a nutshell
- Master Degree in Economy and Commerce in 1999 from University of Rome La Sapienza, thesis in Labor Economics entitled “The work interim and flexibility of work “, lecturer Luigi Frey.
- 2015- Actual – General Secretary of Atecap, the Technical Economic Association of ready-mixed concrete, providing the implementation of the resolutions of the corporate bodies and the organization and management of the offices.
- From 2011 – Manager, dealing with the coordination and general supervision of technical and economic activities of the Association referring directly to the Director and supporting the development of life political membership.
- From 2000 to 2008 – Senior Official at the Ance, National Association of Building Constructors in Rome, as General Manager and President Assistant with tasks related to communication, external relations and the organizational and management support of the associative life, responsible for the office Web communication and referent for Associative Marketing.
- Before 2000 – Professor of Economics and Business Organization in courses of specialization, IT consultant at the National Center Net.t.un.o., Network Teledidattico for the University Ovunque in Rome, collaborator at the company of the company organization Paneforte in Rome with planning and implementation of training interventions, project tutor “The city moves the towers”, inherent in the program of community initiative Urban as responsible organization and coordination of the project, collaborator of the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, with the role of assistant of linguistic laboratory.